Just Do It - Time Lost Cannot be Regained

The article which came in Times of India newspaper (TOI) shows that many Indians spend 4 hrs/day on apps . I am not interested in understanding what kind of apps it is! But people should understand how our valuable hours are wasted. I do not fear about the addiction but worried about wasted time which can never be recycled.
Time management is essential for every single individual let it be corporate professional, hawkers, peddlers, students, researchers, last but not the least the housewives too. If we could rewind our memories to 1990 or even before that i can very well say they are the most benefited generations as they had less influence of these apps or media channels. We do not restrict ourselves with our own time rather we blame or hunt for reasons for postponing things.
We need to stop procrastinating which is the father of all disasters. There is famous quote which says
Procrastination is the thief of time
Rather than postponing things for tomorrow, try doing it today. The usual way of saying is Tomorrow never comes which is fondly used by majority of people . Don't be busy, be Productive, there is a difference between busy and productive which needs to perceived before we proceed. Throughout the day we can be busy, ultimately at the end of the day the work which we have done should be productive and self satisfactory.
A Goal without a Plan is just a wish, all Time Management begins only with Planning. Planning doesn't mean we have succeeded with the aim, organizing and results should also go through with these plans. Either you run the day or day will ruin you. We might delay but time never delays it just finish its tasks. Last but not the least,
If you want to be Productive , you need to become " Master of your Minutes"
