
Something provoked me to pause discussing about the graphs and diagrams and get back to history of statistics. It is because we first need to understand or know how these got evolved , then only we could further go with different kinda of graphs and its significance. 

I am very fond to know how these distributions got evolved, Was trying so hard to find out the answer. If i find the answer, the 2nd question pondering my mind is which distribution came into existence first? is it binomial or poisson or uniform or exponential or normal distribution and so on? A Most important question is whether discrete came into existence first or continuos came in first? 

Now to find the solution we need to first figure out a way to find out a solution! best way is to explore in deep to reach the solution. Anyway before i go further i should know history about statistics.So let me start out the history of statistics first 

It is very interesting to know that standard form of statistics was in use from the beginning of civilization. Most of the Kings were using the censuses from the  population from their kingdoms , tried to get the records of various trades and commodities which they made with other kingdoms. It was quoted that the Roman Empire was one of the first states to extensively gather data on the size of the empire's population, geographical area and wealth.

When I tried to explore the history it is found that in 5th century BC during  a War the Athenians calculated the height of the wall  by counting the number of bricks in an section of the wall sufficiently nearer to them.The counting was carried out by the soldiers repeatedly . The values which were most number of times were noted, based on which they multiplied the value with the height of the wall. Using this they determined the height of the ladder. 

It is so surprising to know statistics were in existence for so many decades. Let us continue these facts moving on in next post
